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Crafting User-Centric Experiences at Jiway SA

UX research – Wireframing & Prototyping – Design System Creation


Jiway SA


2018 – 2019


UI / UX designer



The Mozaik Project began with a bold vision: to simplify the increasingly complex world of financial management for individuals and businesses alike. Finance can be daunting, with endless spreadsheets, multiple accounts, and numerous financial products that users need to manage. The challenge was to design a platform that made this process seamless and intuitive, giving users confidence in managing their finances.

Mozaik was built to integrate cutting-edge technology with a user-centered approach. The goal was clear: create a comprehensive platform that could bring together all of a user’s financial information in one place, while making it easy to understand, manage, and act upon.

Research: Understanding users financial needs

At the heart of Mozaik was the desire to address the pain points users face when managing their finances. Through in-depth research and analysis, we identified several key frustrations:

  • Users struggled to gain a clear overview of their financial situation across multiple accounts.
  • Financial products often felt disconnected, requiring multiple apps and platforms for effective management.
  • Tracking spending, investments, and future goals felt overwhelming, especially for those who weren’t finance professionals.

With this in mind, the focus was to design Mozaik as a platform that users could trust, making it feel as though it was tailored specifically to their needs.

Approach: Bringing Clarity to Finance

The design process was driven by the idea of creating clarity in complexity. We wanted users to feel that, at any moment, they could open Mozaik and immediately understand where they stood financially. This led to the development of a clean, intuitive dashboard where users could see an overview of their accounts, investments, and budgets at a glance.

One of the most significant design decisions was to introduce visual cues to help users quickly comprehend the state of their finances. Using color-coded categories and easily digestible charts, Mozaik made it easy to identify areas where users were overspending or where they could save more.

Additionally, customizable goals were integrated into the platform, allowing users to set financial targets – whether it was saving for a house, planning a vacation, or building an emergency fund. Mozaik would track their progress, providing timely insights and encouragement.

Iteration: Testing and refining

As with any design project, iteration was key. We tested early versions of the platform with target users gathering feedback on everything from navigation to visual design. One insight that emerged early on was the need for personalization. Users wanted Mozaik to feel like it understood their specific financial situation.

In response, we introduced features like customizable reports. This allowed users to personalize their experience, focusing on the aspects of their finances that mattered most to them, whether that was tracking daily expenses or monitoring long-term investments.

Result: Financial confidence for everyone

When Mozaik launched, it immediately resonated with users. The simplicity of the interface, combined with the power of technology, created an app that could serve both financial novices and experts.

This was the essence of the project – to create a financial tool that didn’t just manage money but empowered users to take control of their financial future.

Mozaik app

Reflection: Designing for empowerment

The Mozaik project was a testament to the importance of user-centered design in the world of financial technology. By focusing on the real needs of users and creating a platform that was both powerful and approachable, we were able to demystify financial management and give users a tool that made sense of their finances.

This project reaffirmed my belief in the power of collaborative design, especially when working with complex industries like finance. By combining innovative technology with thoughtful UX design, we can build solutions that have a profound impact on people’s lives.

Legacy of Impact

The Mozaik project at Jiway SA underscores the importance of user-centered design. By focusing on user research, iterative design, and consistent implementation, we developed a platform that significantly improves the workflow for bank employees. This project not only enhanced user satisfaction but also set a strong foundation for future enhancements. The collaboration and dedication of the Jiway team have ensured the ongoing success and positive impact of Mozaik.


I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside the dedicated team at Jiway SA, whose collective expertise and commitment to excellence made this project possible.

"You can be proud of work done for us, know it was not easy, ... "
psychology of colors
Orlando Sequiera
R&D Manager