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Transforming DOTS into a User-Centric Bioprocess Monitoring Platform

UX research – Design & Prototype – Feature development


Aquila Biolabs / SBI


2021 – 2024


UI / UX designer

Challenge: Innovation in cell culture monitoring

Aquila Biolabs, a forward-thinking biotechnology company, was driven by the mission to revolutionize the way scientists interact with their cell cultures. 

The world of bioprocessing is filled with endless data, variables, and manual tasks. Researchers often had to rely on tedious processes, manual sampling, and disconnected systems that made it challenging to track real-time progress. Aquila Biolabs wanted to disrupt this by providing scientists with an intuitive, user-friendly, and precise way to monitor cell culture growth continuously.

As part of Aquila Biolabs, I worked closely with the team to bring this vision to life through their flagship technology, the DOTS platform.

Research: Empathizing with scientists’ needs

The first step in this project was to deeply understand the lives of the users: researchers and scientists who rely on accurate data for their experiments. Our research phase involved interviewing scientists, observing lab environments, and mapping out their workflows. One thing became clear: these users needed real-time visibility, automation, and efficiency without having to sacrifice the precision and control they were accustomed to. Every second spent on manual monitoring was a second taken away from their research.

From a UX perspective, it was crucial to design a solution that integrated seamlessly into the lab without adding complexity or clutter. Scientists needed a tool that would serve them, not the other way around. This empathy-based approach shaped the direction of our design decisions.

Card sorting activity

Approach: Merging data with intuition

As the project progressed, we were faced with a unique challenge: how do we make something as complex as bioprocess monitoring simple and accessible? DOTS was designed to automate and digitize cell culture monitoring, but we needed to ensure that the platform remained intuitive for both new and experienced users.

The interface had to handle vast amounts of data, yet feel light and fluid. One major decision was to use dynamic visualizations – charts and graphs that could provide at-a-glance insights while allowing users to dive deeper into the data when necessary. 

We opted for a dashboard layout that offered clear, concise information on current growth patterns and real-time updates, something users could trust even when they weren’t physically in the lab.

A decision was made early on to reduce the number of clicks it took to access vital data. It was important for the user to see key metrics such as pH, temperature, and optical density in as few interactions as possible. We designed the overview screen to serve as a hub for these insights, allowing for customizable alerts and notifications, ensuring that critical information was always within reach.

Iteration: Prototyping and testing

Once the design framework was in place, we moved into the prototype stage. In this phase, I worked closely with the engineers to bring the concept into a working reality. It wasn’t enough for DOTS to simply work; it needed to feel right. We used a series of rapid iterations, testing each one with real users in laboratory settings to gather feedback. We watched how they interacted with the system, what caused friction, and where they found ease.

We learned that users preferred clear visual feedback for each action – whether that was confirming a data input or alerting them to changes in cell culture health. To meet this need, we incorporated a color-coded alert system, allowing users to identify important information at a glance.

Result: DOTS in action

When the DOTS system finally launched, it marked a pivotal moment for Aquila Biolabs/SBI. Scientists now had a powerful tool that didn’t just digitize their workflow – it enhanced it. The DOTS platform gave researchers the power to monitor and control their experiments in real-time. By eliminating the need for manual sampling, DOTS not only saved time but also reduced the risk of contamination and errors, which was a crucial win for the biotech industry.

The most rewarding part of the project was hearing the feedback from the users. One researcher told us, “It feels like I have my eyes on the cultures 24/7, without actually needing to be in the lab.” This was the exact experience we had hoped to deliver – a tool that could be trusted to work in the background, giving scientists peace of mind and allowing them to focus on more important tasks.

Reflection: Lessons learned

Working on the DOTS project was a transformative experience, both for Aquila Biolabs and for me as a UX designer. It taught me the importance of empathy-driven design – the need to deeply understand the users and the context in which they operate. Every design decision, from simplifying the interface to enhancing visual feedback, was driven by the desire to make the scientists’ jobs easier and more intuitive.

This project also reinforced the value of collaboration. By working alongside engineers, product managers, and real users, we were able to create a product that truly solved a problem, rather than just introducing more complexity into the process. DOTS stands as a testament to what can be achieved when innovation and user-centric design come together


At the heart of every successful project is the people it impacts. For me, that’s where the true value of DOTS lies – in the scientists who now have more time to innovate, research, and push the boundaries of what’s possible in biotechnology.


I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the entire Aquila Biolabs team. Working together on the DOTS software project was truly an honor. Each team member brought exceptional talent and dedication, making our collaboration both productive and enjoyable. Special thanks to the lab technicians, project managers, and the amazing software development team. Your insights, hard work, and commitment to excellence were instrumental in our success. Although our journey was cut short, I am incredibly proud of what we achieved together. Thank you for making this project an unforgettable experience.

"Dunja introduced a complete design system for our new software product which took the user experience to the next level. She is working independently and collects the required input from different departments on her own. Can only recommend her, especially for software in the life science industry. "
David Frank
VP of Development & Production

Full recommendation available here